Mr Corbett, Headteacher, ended the school year with a whole school assembly on the school field.

n a very successful year for the school, we welcomed the findings of the Ofsted inspection in April. They were very impressed and said we will continue to be a good school and that:

“Across the school, behaviour is calm, and relationships are positive. Pupils and students are polite and respectful towards each other as well as to guests and visitors. Bullying and discriminatory behaviour are rare. If they do occur, they are dealt with effectively and efficiently. Pupils are happy and feel safe.”

Much of this is because we are a respectful, tolerant and inclusive school community. Everyone in school is valued for who they are and nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the Diversity Day was a huge success and we raised £1500 for two local charities. We celebrated the wide and rich range of people in our school community. We embrace all cultures, traditions and all those in the LGBT community. This is a really important aspect of what makes the school community strong.

The return to being able to have a wide range of trips to enhance the educational experience has been very welcome.

We heard ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ played by the Rock School – Ben Clarke, Riley Dorkings, Oliver Carey, Zak Merrit, Jack Webb and ‘Get What You Give’ from 6th form band.

The newly recruited Sixth Form students introduced themselves to the school community.

Students were awarded prizes in the following categories: Accelerated Reading, PE awards and STEM.

We said our sad farewells to the following staff members: Ms Labat, Mr Webster, Mr Iles, Mr Russell-Moyle, Ms Matthews, Ms Vincent, Mr Harris and Mrs McManus.

We wish everyone an enjoyable summer break.