Internet Safety

Below are listed websites that offer advice, information and guidance on how to stay save online. These websites increase the understanding of online safety to parents/carers and students. Young people are using technology to get help with their homework, revise, socialise and connect with friends and family. There are risks, but understanding and talking about the dangers you can keep your child safe online.

Internet Safety Links

Internet Matters

West Sussex Safeguarding

Safer Internet Centre


BBC Stay Safe

LGfl Digisafe

Childline – imagery

PDSC (Police Digital Security Centre) downloadable social media guide posters.


At the foot of our website is a CEOP Report button. This button has been added for your protection if you wish to report any issues or concerns with online bullying or any other online safety issues. The link guidance on keeping children safe in education is below.

The NCA’s CEOP Command (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account. We protect children from harm online and offline, directly through NCA led operations and in partnership with local and international agencies.

Social Media Safety Guides

Click an image below to download the guide

National Online Safety
Social Media & Mental Health
Guide to Spotting Ads
Setting Up New Devices for Children
Online Bullying
Online Bullying
Building a Better Digital World
Live Streaming Guide
Champion Equality Online
BeReal Guide
Facebook Guide
Facebook Messenger Guide
Instagram Guide
Netflix Guide
Reddit Guide
Snapchat Guide
TikTok Guide
Twitch Guide
Twitter Guide
WhatsApp Guide
Wink Guide
YouTube Guide
Yubo Guide